Овца или вълк 2 2019

Animation Adventure Comedy Family

The united town of sheep and wolves lives a peaceful and quiet life until two unexpected guests turn up - a polar fox and a tiny ewe. No one ever expected them to bring a deadly danger, ...

All Titles
  • RU: Volki i ovtsy. Khod sviney Volki i ovtsy. Khod sviney
  • CZ: Ovečky a vlci: Veliká bitva Ovečky a vlci: Veliká bitva
  • FR: Gare aux loups 2: Tous à table! Gare aux loups 2: Tous à table!
  • DE: Völlig von der Wolle: Schwein gehabt! Völlig von der Wolle: Schwein gehabt!
  • HU: Állati csetepata 2 Állati csetepata 2
  • NO: Ulv i fåreklær 2 Ulv i fåreklær 2
  • PL: Wilk w owczej skórze 2 Wilk w owczej skórze 2
  • RU: Волки и овцы: Ход свиньей Волки и овцы: Ход свиньей
  • RU: Волки и овцы 2 Волки и овцы 2
  • TR: Kuzular Kurtlara Karşı 2 Kuzular Kurtlara Karşı 2
  • RU: Sheep and Wolves: The Pig's Move Sheep and Wolves: The Pig's Move
  • RU: Sheep and Wolves: Pig Deal Sheep and Wolves: Pig Deal
  • RU: Sheep & Wolves 2 Sheep & Wolves 2
Released 24 Jan 2019
Links IMDb
